Some simple common sense of magazine printing

Magazines are indispensable in our lives. Although the Internet is rampant now, why are magazines still popular with the general public? Probably because the layout of magazine printing, photo selection or content selection, are not comparable to simple electronic magazines on the Internet.   There are various types of magazines. Fashion ones are popular among…

Upgrading of magazine printing and binding technology

When it comes to the binding method of magazine printing, many people blurt out saddle stitching. This method has indeed been accompanied by magazine printing for many years, and it is also the main method of magazine binding. With its advantages of simple binding method, fast processing speed, and low equipment investment, it occupies a…

The production technology of periodical and magazine printing

With the rapid development of the Internet today, it can be said that the domestic printing industry has been affected to a certain extent. The production volume of many printed products has generally declined. However, as many consumers’ favorite journals and magazines printing products, they have not suffered too much. Big influence, my country’s annual…

Magazine printing has entered the era of green printing

Although the Internet and computer technology have been continuously developing, this has also brought a lot of impact to the domestic printing industry, but the printing industry has not gradually declined due to this. On the contrary, in recent years, international or domestic printing technology has been advancing by leaps and bounds. Development, especially in…

How to ensure the printing quality of magazine printing products

Magazine printing products are a type of printing products that people usually come into contact with. In the domestic printing market, magazine printing products also account for a considerable proportion. Magazine printing products can be roughly divided into: reading and entertainment magazine printing products, advertising magazine printing products, learning magazine printing products, and professional academic…

What are the classifications of printing

Different types of printing businesses have different uses. Such as book printing, news printing, advertising printing, etc. The printing of books and magazines used letterpress printing in the past. News printing: In the past, letterpress rotary presses were used for printing, because of its speed and large print volume. Recently, in order to meet the…